Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why do 35 year old men live with parents?

In my experience, barring adverse life events causing them to return, if they have never truly left it's because they are immature and you must run the other way!

I have just wasted 2 yrs with a 36 yr old who still sleeps in his childhood cabin bed, mummy does everything for him and yes he is the stereotypical star wars/lego/comics/war games nerd. I am 29 and independent, with several previous boyfriends. When I met him he was a 34yr old jobless virgin. He now has a job (within walking distance of mummy...) but only pays his mother 150GBP out of a 1300GBP take-home salary. He counts every penny too; very tight. She does everything - laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping, bills, even makes his sandwiches for lunch every day.

This shining example of maturity split up with me by text a month ago while I was in a foreign country working for a few weeks. I had brought up the subject telling him how frustrated i was and how i wanted our relationship to move forward by getting engaged/moving in. He basically ended it by text and didn't even want to see me when i got back. two years in which we met each others families etc, last time i saw him was at the airport when i left for my assignment.

I was way out of his league and i wish i hadn't bothered. So when you ask me what I think of men over 30, indeed over 25, still at home my reply is - LOSER ALERT! RUN RUN! If there is no valid reason for him being there/no end in sight then you will never change him/persuade him to move out with you. I thought that. It won't happen - give up and walk away!


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